Among the benefits of belonging to Co-Ética are:
-Companies can increase the visibility of their sustainability activities by being in our search engine / directory (by being able to show, in addition to the general data of their entity, the information on the sustainability projects developed, their code of ethics, certifications and awards, press news, and/or sustainability reports).
-Companies can easily find suppliers with their same values.
-Companies can promote the digitalization of their company.
-Companies can find NGOs, associations and foundations to collaborate, establishing alliances and, thus, increasing their developed sustainable projects.
-Sustainable companies and consumers can interact more easily.
-Consumers have a search engine to find sustainability information about products or services.
-NGOs, associations, and foundations can promote the digitalization of their entity.
-NGOs, associations, and foundations can show their general data and information about the sustainability projects developed, certifications and awards, and/or news on social networks and the press and, thus, find companies to collaborate and increase their social and environmental projects and programs.
-NGOs, associations, and foundations can be in contact with responsible consumers who want to make donations to their entity.
What is the annual fee to be part of Co-Ética?:
-Microenterprises (84 euros / year); SMEs (180 euros / year); Large companies (360 euros / year).
If you want us to contact you, just fill out this short questionnaire!
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