Directory / Search engine of sustainable entities and non-profit organizations in which we promote alliances

Co-Ética is a search engine or directory of sustainable entities and non-profit organizations that will show you information on relevant sustainability activities that organizations from different sectors are currently developing.

What will you find on our website? Organizations from different sectors working on sustainability and all kinds of information about this field that will allow you to make a comparative analysis of the social and environmental practices of these entities.

In addition, you will be able to choose those organizations from our directory of sustainable companies and non-profit organizations that best adapt your ethical principles.

Because together, as end-customers or as organizations looking for suppliers with the same values, we can make a significant step towards real change.

At Co-Ética we promote the development of partnerships between companies and non-profit organizations to achieve Sustainable Development Goal 17: “Partnerships for the goals”.

Our sustainability consultancy ETICAISMO helps the establishment and effective development of intersectoral alliances with the application of specialized strategic plans and the measurement of social impact. Subsequently, and through the Co-Ética web platform, the sustainable and responsible activities developed jointly by organizations in the non-profit sector and the business sector that ETICAISMO has helped to implement can be communicated.

Search and find in our directory of sustainable companies and non-profit organizations

People and organizations from multiple sectors can create beneficial synergies for each part of the relationship, by belonging to and finding themselves in the directory of sustainable companies and non-profit organizations.

Access sustainable companies that develop corporate social responsibility practices:

Agriculture, Livestock, and fisheries

Agriculture, Livestock, and fisheries

Food and beverage

Food and beverage

Art and culture

Art and culture





Offices and consultancies

Offices and consultancies

Finance and banks

Finance and banks



Home and decoration

Home and decoration



















Services to business

Services to business

Services to individuals

Services to individuals











Our values: working towards sustainability

We are a social business that aims to effectively communicate information on sustainability and social activities being developed by organisations in different sectors.

Our purpose is that responsible consumers and organizations looking for an ethical supplier can find information about their practices. In this way, they will be able to carry out a comparative analysis more easily and efficiently.

Likewise, we are committed to the power of people and organizations to make a change worldwide through knowledge and analysis of the activities and projects that are currently being developed in the various sectors.

We believe and trust people and organizations committed to sustainability who want to achieve real change through the establishment and development of responsible initiatives.

Did you know that we allocate 100% of our profits to the development of social and/or environmental projects?

Join us! Be part of Co-Ética

Discover the advantages of belonging to Co-ética:

Discover the advantages of belonging to our directory of sustainable entities and non-profit organizations, and start enjoying them to experience a real change in your business model:

It is a space for non-profit organizations to carry out an effective communication strategy, as well as to inform themselves in order to promote cross-sector alliances.

We offer responsible consumers information to make a purchasing process adapted to their ethical principles.

Any type of entity can search and find information on the corporate social responsibility of its organization’s suppliers.

responsabilidad coetica

Committed entities

The following organizations are already part of our directory of sustainable entities and non-profit organizations to communicate their projects and activities to our entire community. They know that effective communication allows their stakeholders to achieve better results.

Read more information on sustainability on our blog

For a wider range of information on sustainability activities, with articles of popular interest in this sector, please visit our latest blog posts:

What is the history of Co-Ética and how did it come about?

After specializing in the field of Corporate Social Responsibility and cross-sector partnerships, we were able to observe that consumers want to be increasingly informed about sustainability so that their purchases best fit their own ethical principles.

However, until now there has been no digital media that brought this information together in an easily searchable form and that encouraged cross-sector partnerships. And that is why we decided to establish ourselves as a directory of sustainable entities and non-profit organizations of reference.

Why is it important to look for sustainable businesses?

By purchasing the products and services of the organizations that make up our directory of sustainable entities, you will help to promote environmentally friendly practices.

In addition, organizations that work towards sustainability in its three key aspects (economic, social and environmental) tend to have a better image and reputation in the market, which can have a positive impact on consumer perception and purchasing preference, making sustainability the predominant system worldwide over time.

Our commitment to sustainability and information

At Co-Ética we want to become your trusted directory of sustainable companies and non-profit organizations so that you can consult and provide information on sustainability activities and generate links with organizations from multiple professional sectors.

We also ensure clear and transparent communication with our users. We believe it is significant for other businesses to have access to accurate and reliable information in order to establish effective partnerships. Are you ready to join us?

Do not hesitate to contact us to know more about our project and how we can help you grow your business up. There is a better world out there that we all together have to push and make visible.