Co-Ética is a search engine or directory of sustainable entities and non-profit organizations that will show you information on relevant sustainability activities that organizations from different sectors are currently developing.
What will you find on our website? Organizations from different sectors working on sustainability and all kinds of information about this field that will allow you to make a comparative analysis of the social and environmental practices of these entities.
In addition, you will be able to choose those organizations from our directory of sustainable companies and non-profit organizations that best adapt your ethical principles.
Because together, as end-customers or as organizations looking for suppliers with the same values, we can make a significant step towards real change.
At Co-Ética we promote the development of partnerships between companies and non-profit organizations to achieve Sustainable Development Goal 17: “Partnerships for the goals”.
Our sustainability consultancy ETICAISMO helps the establishment and effective development of intersectoral alliances with the application of specialized strategic plans and the measurement of social impact. Subsequently, and through the Co-Ética web platform, the sustainable and responsible activities developed jointly by organizations in the non-profit sector and the business sector that ETICAISMO has helped to implement can be communicated.